Good i iPhone Photos by Mary E. Carter “One should have a good eye . . . and be a good friend.” —Pirke Avot 2:9
Every morning, along with my first cup of coffee, I pick up my iPhone and thumb through yesterday’s photos. Then I text today’s ‘hero’ photo to a short list of friends. And every morning I get a line, or a word or two, or sometimes an expressive emoji, in response to the day’s picture. It’s our way to stay in touch with each other without being too intrusive. Then, as I go about my day, I tuck my iPhone in my hip pocket and I keep an eye out for pictures for the next morning. We live in the northern escarpment of the Sandia Mountain Range in New Mexico, USA where even the dirt can be photogenic.
Cover Good i - iPhone Photos by Mary E. Carter
i-Phone photo by Mary E. Carter
Copyright ©2024 by Mary E. Carter
Good i iPhone Photos by Mary E. Carter “One should have a good eye . . . and be a good friend.” —Pirke Avot 2:9
Every morning, along with my first cup of coffee, I pick up my iPhone and thumb through yesterday’s photos. Then I text today’s ‘hero’ photo to a short list of friends. And every morning I get a line, or a word or two, or sometimes an expressive emoji, in response to the day’s picture. It’s our way to stay in touch with each other without being too intrusive. Then, as I go about my day, I tuck my iPhone in my hip pocket and I keep an eye out for pictures for the next morning. We live in the northern escarpment of the Sandia Mountain Range in New Mexico, USA where even the dirt can be photogenic.
Cover Good i - iPhone Photos by Mary E. Carter i-Phone photo by Mary E. Carter
Copyright ©Mary E. Carter
94 color pages 8.5” x 8.5” ISBN-13: 978-0578470221 $20.00 Available from Or by consignment
Mary E. Carter ~ Author
Mary E. Carter ~ Author